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The Tanners of Fes 3 Smoothing and softening the skin
The Tanners of Fes 3 Smoothing and softening the skin
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John Horniblow

Tsunami Orphans | Banda Aceh, Indonesia

On the morning of December 26th 2004 the devastating Tsunami took many people by surprise. The city of Banda Aceh in Indonesia was the closest to the earthquake and therefore hit the hardest of all the countries in the region. Among all the people that survived there were a lot of children who all of a sudden had no more parents to look after them and became orphans.
Through out the city there are a number of orphanages now who take care of these children, to help them with their education and to overcome the nightmare they have experienced.
These images I made at an orphanage in Pagar Air, just outside the city of Banda Aceh, a year after the Tsunami.
Photo documentary / Photojournal by Dutch photographer Hes Mundt. (Hits: 442113)

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Found: 58 image(s) on 5 page(s). Displayed: image 49 to 58.

Boys playing football at an orphanage in Banda Aceh Indonesia (Hes Mundt)
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Tsunami Orphans | Banda Aceh, Indonesia
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Girls watch the boys outside playing football at an orphanage in Banda Aceh Indonesia (Hes Mundt)
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Tsunami Orphans | Banda Aceh, Indonesia
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Boys play football at an orphanage in Banda Aceh Indonesia (Hes Mundt)
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Tsunami Orphans | Banda Aceh, Indonesia
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Students of the Fajar Hidayah organization play a game with girls at an orphanage in Banda Aceh Indonesia (Hes Mundt)
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Tsunami Orphans | Banda Aceh, Indonesia
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Students of the Fajar Hidayah organization play a game with the girls at an orphanage in Banda Aceh Indonesia (Hes Mundt)
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Tsunami Orphans | Banda Aceh, Indonesia
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Girls having fun during a game at an orphanage in Banda Aceh Indonesia (Hes Mundt)
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Tsunami Orphans | Banda Aceh, Indonesia
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A student of the Fajar Hidayah organization plays a game with the girls at an orphanage in Banda Aceh Indonesia (Hes Mundt)
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Tsunami Orphans | Banda Aceh, Indonesia
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Girls during the English lesson at an orphanage in Banda Aceh Indonesia (Hes Mundt)
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Tsunami Orphans | Banda Aceh, Indonesia
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A young girl falls asleep during the English lesson at an orphanage in Banda Aceh Indonesia (Hes Mundt)
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Tsunami Orphans | Banda Aceh, Indonesia
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A student of the Fajar Hidayah organization helps a young girl with writing some English at an orphanage in Banda Aceh Indonesia (Hes Mundt)
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Tsunami Orphans | Banda Aceh, Indonesia
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