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Chinese New Year Panama
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Teresita Chavarria

Steven Smith | A young man with Hodgkin's Disease, US

There is no benign (non-cancerous) form of Hodgkin's disease. The good news about Hodgkin's disease is that most people (92%) with this disease are cured. The bad news is that because so many people are living for a long time, we are learning about serious side effects that happen years after the treatment is over. In fact, 20 years after treatment, more people who had Hodgkin's disease die of side effects related to treatment than of recurrent Hodgkin's disease. Steven has fallen into the 8% bracket where chances of a cure are slim to none.
Series by US photographer Tacitus Bond (Hits: 228519)

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Found: 31 image(s) on 3 page(s). Displayed: image 13 to 24.

One treatment's garbage fills a medical waste container (Tacitus Bond)
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Steven Smith | A young man with Hodgkin's Disease, US
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Steven and Mija (Tacitus Bond)
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Steven Smith | A young man with Hodgkin's Disease, US
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Steven recieves the bad news the chemo therapy has not worked. (Tacitus Bond)
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Steven Smith | A young man with Hodgkin's Disease, US
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Abigail realizes that her daddy is very ill. (Tacitus Bond)
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Steven Smith | A young man with Hodgkin's Disease, US
Comments: 1

Steven is entered in a trial at Slone Kettering in New York City. (Tacitus Bond)
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Steven Smith | A young man with Hodgkin's Disease, US
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After three sessions of chemo, Steven will then have a stem cell transplant. (Tacitus Bond)
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Steven Smith | A young man with Hodgkin's Disease, US
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Steven waiting for a stem cell transplant. (Tacitus Bond)
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Steven Smith | A young man with Hodgkin's Disease, US
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Steven and his mother having lunch after hearing that the stem cell transplant failed. (Tacitus Bond)
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Steven Smith | A young man with Hodgkin's Disease, US
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A confronting setback. Steven is suffering from a severe infection. He is being treated at Waupaca,Wisconsin. (Tacitus Bond)
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Steven Smith | A young man with Hodgkin's Disease, US
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Steven is at Froedtert Hospital for his last chemo treatment. He is having a Crispy Cream donut as a treat . (Tacitus Bond)
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Steven Smith | A young man with Hodgkin's Disease, US
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Injections are causing pain from two years of being injected. (Tacitus Bond)
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Steven Smith | A young man with Hodgkin's Disease, US
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Dr. Timothy ?Fenske has reported the bad news that there is no further treatment for Steven. Dr. Fenske has managed to keep Steven alive and given him hope that he would not otherwise had. (Tacitus Bond)
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Steven Smith | A young man with Hodgkin's Disease, US
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