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Paris #40
Paris #40
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Alfredo Munoz

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Description: Today, Cambodia still struggles with its past, torn apart by the bloody reign of Pol Pot and its Maoist government which held the people to ransom and starvation and was, in part, responsible for the current immense poverty and economic disaster. Many of today?s families are no longer intact, death being the most frequent cause. Many street children are orphans who have lost parents to AIDS, landmines, drugs or prostitution.
Date: 26.03.2010 20:48
Hits: 95557
Downloads: 1
Rating: 4.50 (2 Vote(s))
File size: 263.2 KB
Added by: James Helmer

Keywords: poverty, Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Steung Meanchey
Byline title: Photojournalist / ecoIMAGE photo
Country: Cambodia
Credit: James Helmer
Copyright Notice: ©James Helmer
Caption: Today, Cambodia still struggles with its past, torn apart by the bloody reign of Pol Pot and its Maoist government which held the people to ransom and starvation and was, in part, responsible for the current immense poverty and economic disaster. Many of todayÕs families are no longer intact, death being the most frequent cause. Many street children are orphans who have lost parents to AIDS, landmines, drugs or prostitution.
Caption writer: JH

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