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Iraqi Refugees in the United States

Iraqi Refugees in the United States
Iraqi Refugees in the United States

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Iraqi Refugees in the United States
Description: "I feel the United States may adopt me, but not yet. I don't feel like myself in this country. I feel I am besieged by worries and uncertainty. There is only a vague sense of future and hope. At the moment, I have nothing. I have a cold room. I am living in a bad situation. Who will look after me? Yes, there is appreciation: thank you so much United States of America, you provided me with freedom, but what is next? I am not a lazy person. I want to work, but where is the work? I used to be a general surgeon in my country, but not now, I am nothing here. It is just like life starts from zero, and it has not yet started."
Keywords: Iraqi, immigrants, in, the, US, refugee, diaspora
Date: 10.03.2011 05:19
Hits: 24566
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 238.6 KB
Added by: Gabriela Bulisova

Object name: Iraqi Refugees in the United States
Byline: Gabriela Bulisova
Caption: "I feel the United States may adopt me, but not yet. I donŐt feel like myself in this country. I feel I am besieged by worries and uncertainty. There is only a vague sense of future and hope. At the moment, I have nothing. I have a cold room. I am living in a bad situation. Who will look after me? Yes, there is appreciation: thank you so much United States of America, you provided me with freedom, but what is next? I am not a lazy person. I want to work, but where is the work? I used to be a general surgeon in my country, but not now, I am nothing here. It is just likeÉlife starts from zero, and it has not yet started."


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