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Currach In Harbor, Inisheer, Aran Islands, Ireland, 2007
Currach In Harbor, Inisheer, Aran Islands, Ireland, 2007
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Josef Tornick

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Royanne (Maagka), and Sardie and Chrissy, posing in an abandoned and condemned house in Kennedy Hill.  
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Jenaerd, Sardie, Anna, Charlette, Quane and Chrissy watching TV

Elder Roy Hunter Wiggan - Canberra has forgotten us, everyone has forgotten us.
Elder Roy Hunter Wiggan - Canberra has forgotten us, everyone has forgotten us.

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Elder Roy Hunter Wiggan - Canberra has forgotten us, everyone has forgotten us.
Description: “Canberra has forgotten us, everyone has forgotten us. I worry everyday about this community. I walk into town and speak to the lawyers, to the Government, to the Land Council, but no-one does anything.” “...I will not leave the community. I will die here, and I will do this for the sake of this community.”
“...what they should do is rebuild the community, build good quality houses and provide the services that we too have a right to. This is our land, our community,” said Elder Roy Hunter Wiggan 88-year-old, resting in his room in his family home in Kennedy Hill. Broome, Western Australia. ©Ingetje Tadros/Diimex
Keywords: Aboriginal Aboriginal Corporation Australia Broome bush-camps community family indigenous Kennedy Hill Broome squatters Kimberley WA tribal aborigine
Date: 11.03.2015 07:52
Hits: 13367
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Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 172.8 KB
Added by: Ingetje Tadros

Byline: Ingetje Tadros
Caption writer: Ingetje Tadros
Date created: 01.08.2014
Caption: “Canberra has forgotten us, everyone has forgotten us. I worry everyday about this community. I walk into town and speak to the lawyers, to the Government, to the Land Council, but no-one does anything.” “...I will not leave the community. I will die here, and I will do this for the sake of this community.”
“...what they should do is rebuild the community, build good quality houses and provide the services that we too have a right to. This is our land, our community,” said Elder Roy Hunter Wiggan 88-year-old, resting in his room in his family home in Kennedy Hill. Broome, Western Australia.
Copyright Notice: ©Ingetje Tadros
Keywords: Aboriginal, Aboriginal Corporation, aged, aggression, alcohol, alcohol restrictions, at risk, Australia, behaviour, Broome, bush camps, Chinatown, community, condemned, demolition, dry community, family, financial hardship, future, gambling, homeless, hope, housing, indigenous, Ingetje Tadros, Kennedy Hill, problems, real estate in Broome, rough, shanty towns, social housing, squatters, stress, support, the Kimberley, tourist mecca


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Previous image:
Royanne (Maagka), and Sardie and Chrissy, posing in an abandoned and condemned house in Kennedy Hill.  
 Next image:
Jenaerd, Sardie, Anna, Charlette, Quane and Chrissy watching TV



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